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Publications and Research


  • 2021

    • An analysis of knowledge in STEM: Solving algebraic problems. Asian Journal of University Education 16 (2), 131-140

  • 2020

    • ​In search of strategies used by primary school pupils for developing fraction sense. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction 17 (2), 25-61 [SCOPUS]

    • Content Analysis of Primary School Mathematics Textbooks and Its Relationship with Pupils Achievement. Asian Journal of University Education 16 (2), 15-25   [SCOPUS]     

    •  â€‹Reflection in a Mathematics ClassroomEnvironment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5 (1), 163-168            

    •  â€‹STEM Integration: Factors Affecting Effective Instructional Practices in Teaching Mathematics. Asian Journal of University Education 16 (1), 56-69   [SCOPUS]

    • An analysis of students' mathematical reasoning and mental computation proficiencies. Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (11), 5628-5636    [SCOPUS]

    •  An Analysis of Knowledge in STEM: Solving Algebraic Problems. Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE), 16(2), 131-10.  [SCOPUS]

  • 2019

    • From Nonsense to Number Sense: Enumeration of Numbers in Math Classroom Learning. The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences 25 (2), 2933-2947

    • The Use of Problem-Solving Heuristics Approach in Enhancing STEM Students Development of Mathematical Thinking. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, Volume 13, Issue 3, 289-303

    • ​Enhancing STEM Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(13), 480–492.

    • ​The Relationship between Self-Regulated Learning and Mathematics Attitude towards College Students Development of Mathematical Thinking. Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(10A), 48 – 53.

    • Assessing College Lecturers’ Mathematical Thinking Competency. Revista Publicando 6 (19), 24-39

    • Learning to Make Sense of Fractions: Some Insights from the Malaysian Primary 4 Pupils. Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, Volume 14, Issue 1, 169-182.

  • 2018 

    • How Well Do University Level Courses Prepare Students to Be Mathematical Thinkers? The Social Sciences, 12 (9), 1516-1521.

    • Teaching and Learning of College Mathematics and Students' Mathematical Thinking: Are the Lines of the Same Track? Asian Journal of University Education, 12, 2, 69-84.

    • The use of problem-solving heuristics approach in enhancing STEM students development of mathematical thinking. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 13 (3), 289-303

    • Using Representation to develop mathematical Thinking. In Berinderjeet Kaur & Lee Ngan How (Eds.), Empowering Mathematics Learners (pp.249-270). Singapore World Scientific

    • Mathematical Thinking Attainment among University Students. Journal of Economic & Management Perspectives (ISSN: 2523-5338). Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2018. ( 

  • 2017

    • ​Islands of Superficial Knowledge Without a Canoe To Get From One End To The Other: The Nature Of College Mathematics. International Journal on e-learning and Higher Education, Vol 6, Jan 2017, 141-162 (ISSN:1985 8620)

  • 2016

    • Learning Fractions. In 7th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching Educate to Innovate, Springer.

    • Factors Contributing to Students’ Poor Performance in Mathematics Preparatory Program.  In 7th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching Educate to Innovate, Springer.

    • ​Error in Solving Mathematical Word Problem: A study of preparatory diploma program. In 7th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching E ducate to Innovate, Springer.

  •  2015

    • Students’ Common Errors in Solving Mathematical Problems: A Case Study of Pre-Diploma Students. In 7th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching Educate to Innovate, Springer.

    • Prototyping Routine Practices in Solving Non-routine Mathematics Problems. In Zuraimi Zakaria, Badrul Isa & Sumardianshah Silah (Eds). 21 st Century Skills: Language and Arts Education Through the Lens of Culture and Heritage. Malaysia: ITBM. 

  • 2014

    • The distribution of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems in Bruneian Elementary Mathematics Text. International Seminar on Innovation in mathematics and Mathematics Education. Yogyakarta State University

    • Boot strapping in heuristics mathematical problem solving. International Journal of World Research, 1(9), 1-12.

    • Acquisition of Numeracy Knowledge through a Computer Game. Asian Journal of University Education, 8 (2), 35 – 48.


  • Ongoing Research

    • Problem-Solving Heuristics Model in Enhancing Students Development of Mathematical Thinking. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. 30 Jan 2019 -30 Sept 2021. Project Leader. Grant 62 700


  • Completed Research

    • ​Developing A Framework In Enhancing Student's Mathematical Thinking. 1 October 2015 – 30 Sept 2018. Dana UiTM, Researcher, Grant RM32 000.

    • “MDAB Project: An Assessment Of The Preparatory Courses For Mathematics In UiTM” RM30 000. VC Special project, UiTM. Jan 2015.  

    • ​Bootstrapping in Heuristics mathematical Problem Solving. (Total Grant: RM 20 000). Research Intensive Faculty Grant, Funded by Research Management Unit,        University Technology Mara. 2014. Researcher.

    • ​Developing A Thinking Skills Assessment Tool to Evaluate Students in     Institutions of Higher Education.  (Total Grant: RM30000). Fundamental          Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. Project Leader.

    • Developing a Numeracy Gaming Software in Improving Students Mathematics     learning. (Total Grant: RM 144 000). Funded by Malaysian Ministry of Science            and Technology (MOSTI) 2012.

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